A good day for art

Last Friday I went in NYC for a job interview ( more on that some other time). Before the interview I spent some time at the Drawing Center, looking at Gerhard Richter’s show and found a treasure of a book about one of my favorite artists, Ree Morton. Later, on my way home , I stopped by Chelsea to see Brice Marden and Thomas Nozkowski. Job or no job -It was an inspiring day for art.

Brice Marden
at Matthew Marks

Third Letter 2006-2009 Oil on linen 96 x 144 inches; 244 x 366 cm

Letter About Rocks #3, Blue Ground 2007-2010 Oil on linen 72 x 96 inches; 183 x 244 cm

Thomas Nozkowski at Pace Gallery

Thomas Nozkowski Untitled (8-128), 2010 oil on linen on panel 22 1/8″ x 28 1/8″ (56.2 cm x 71.4 cm) Pace Gallery

Thomas Nozkowski Untitled (8-121), 2009 oil on linen on panel 22 1/8″ x 28 1/8″ (56.2 cm x 71.4 cm) Pace Gallery

At the Drawing Center

Gerhard Richter Lines which do not exist”

September 11 – November 18, 2010

GR14: Gerhard Richter, 7.1991, 1991. Ink on paper 6 1/2 x 9 7/16

Gerhard Richter, G.EL.2, 18.1.1984, 1984. Watercolor on paper

Ree Morton

Ree Morton,
Wood Drawings, 1971, felt-tip pen, pencil, acrylic, clay, sponge, hardware on wood. Installation view, Drawing Center, New York, 2009

Ree Morton, Pink Numbers, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, mixed media on paper, 1971.

Ree Morton: At the Still Point of the Turning World