Diane Englander
Red and Taupe on Green (2013), mulberry paper, acrylic, pencil on canvas, 12 x 12 inches
Diane Englander and I met last fall at the Transcultural Conference in Boston through a mutual friend. We had a great day getting to know each other while enjoying the Amy Sillman show at the ICA.Diane’s work has a beautiful sense of balance laced with tension and surprise. You can see it in a group show at Soprafina Gallery, 55 Thayer Street in Boston. The opening is on Friday, February 7, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Black and Buff on Rust IV (2013), corrugated cardboard, mulberry paper, acrylic 22 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
“My work searches for the place between discord and tranquility, for the spot with a charged harmony that energizes as it also provides refuge. That search means I have to attack the prettiness of the initial painted surface, avoid balance, court darkness or stridency, invest a piece with conflict. Most recently my efforts, which began with collaged surfaces only subtly alluding to three dimensions, have begun to move more firmly into space as another way to create movement and energy.
Pale Grays III (2011), canvas, mulberry paper, acrylic, crayon on canvas, 20 x 10 inches
As for the largely intuitive process, the material in front of me—papers, cloth, pieces of wood–influences my direction, as does inspiration from the world that we don’t call art: a wall, a landscape, a window shade transfused with light, a stretch of sand and shadow. (And of course echoes from other artists, Burri, Vicente, Tapies, Motherwell, Rauschenberg, medieval cloisonné, Cycladic figures, Vermeer, Breughel, Nicholson,Blow, and many, many more.)After the crude line or slash or ripping that militates against utter tranquility, the piece is done, occasionally the same day, sometimes weeks later, sometimes never (and then maybe its remnants become a new jumping off place) when there’s harmony despite friction, a calm energized by tension.”
Layered Buffs XIII (2010), canvas, mulberry paper, acrylic, pencil on canvas, 14 3/4 x 12 2/4 inches