Mapping Time: A Collaborative Exhibition

There is a new space 5 minutes from my house that houses a gallery and also artists lofts for rent. I was offered to have an exhibtion there recently and  decided to use the opportunity for a creative challenge. I invited fellow artist Krista Svalbonas to collaborate. Her work explores the urban landscape using pastel, wax and graphite to create meticulously drawn installations.

Our project began with Krista’s geometric paintings, wall drawings along with my paintings that mapped the gallery. Krista spent two days creating her wall installation.  I responded with color drawings done with graphite and pastel. I can not emphasize enough that collaboration is a great way to expand and fine tune your own vocabulary.

Mural Outside of the Firehouse, Orange NJ. Lisa Pressman and Krista Svalbonas

This mural is the outside door of the firehouse. Krista started with the green shape based off one of her paintings. My challenge was to find the right drawing tool and also to feel free enough to paint in a public space.  I discovered acrylic markers and began to riff off her geometry. I was inspired by the firehouse brick and the community surroundings. At one point both of us and Krista’s husband, Lars were all working together on the piece. It was great fun even in the freezing weather.

ValleyArts is proud to present the third exhibition at the new Firehouse Gallery, Mapping Time: A Collaborative Installation by Lisa Pressman & Krista Svalbonas. Pressman and Svalbonas  created a site specific installation, transforming the walls of the Firehouse Gallery into a visual dialogue of architecture, language and temporality. The installation is comprised of two-dimensional mixed media work and integrated wall drawings. Learn more about the artists and see some of their work on their websites: & Gallery hours: Saturdays 10am – 4pm; Sundays 12:20pm – 4pm; by appointment. Exhibit runs March 21 – April 28, 2013

“Perfect for the space… shapes and colors of the paintings flow directly into the structure of the gallery itself. “

— Dan Bischoff, Star Ledger

I loved Krista’s idea of expanding the collaboration to small affrodable works She and I visited a letterpress company near the gallery with her design  for the these cards. We had 250 printed and now they are back in my studio. She added cutouts and I have been using old prints, drawings, tape, water media and a Japanese hole punch to embellish. I am loving the backs almost as much as the fronts of these works.

 Firehouse  Hallway Gallery

Past Time:  Lisa Pressman : Paintings from 1983-2011

When I went to visit the space to consider having the exhibition I spent some time in this hallway which is a huge space with lovely natural light. It seemed  to whisper to me that it was time to bring out some of my work that has been tucked away in storage for 25 years. It has been an instructive way to revisit my imagery, use of color and creating context for all of my work. 


Marie Vickerilla


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