Exhibitions & Interview / 2017

Snow day in Spring!

Hoping all is well where you live and you are enjoying art full days!

Happy to be included in the first show at the Jen Tough Gallery, Vallejo, CA, Open until April 8th

Free Passage at Addington Gallery in Chicago through May

From Dan Addington:

I'm really excited to announce that Addington Gallery will be featuring noted abstract painter Lisa Pressman in our upcoming group exhibition "Free Passage: ).Lisa is a fantastic painter and a leading practitioner in the US of encaustic painting, although she often incorporates oil and other wax-based mediums into her work. These paintings are deep, layered, and visceral, yet somehow they always remain fresh, immediate, and vivid! Lisa is a true colorist, and when you see these pieces in person (as I hope you do, here, on March 3) you will be captivated by how she speaks the language of color, and how clearly you can hear her voice. These gem-like paintings (many are 12x12) are capable of taking you on long journeys (hence the title of the show "Free Passage"). I know this, because one hangs in my kitchen, and it helps wake me up every morning. - Opening March 3, 5-8pm at Addington Gallery, 704 N Wells St.

Interview with Abstract artist Lisa Pressman

In preparation, Lisa was kind enough to take a few moments to answer five short questions for us about her work and life as an artist.

Q: Where do you draw inspiration from?
LP: Process, materials, research, metaphors, observation of light, shadows, architecture, and the natural world.

Q: What are you most proud of in regards to your art?
LP: That my work can evoke mystery, emotion, and change.

Q: What are your biggest challenges to creating art and how do you deal with them?
LP: Right now my biggest challenge is time in the studio. I always have numerous works in progress so when I get in the studio I can just get working.

Q: What advice has influenced you?
LP: "You are not making bombs just get in there and make." - Jake Grossberg, a Professor from Bard College.

Q: Is there something you are currently working on, or excited about starting that you can tell us about? 
LP: I have a new series beginning in the studio that seems to be both personal and political.


Time Changes, Life Changes, Work Changes


Free Passage at Addington Gallery March 3