Time Changes, Life Changes, Work Changes

Yesterday I received a comment on Facebook after posting some work that said ” I can’t keep up with all the changes in your work” 

My response:  ‘Time Changes, Life Changes, Work changes”

It is true that my work takes twists and turns. There are shelves of paintings with which I  am  exploring:  structure, color, metaphoric shapes, inside /outside worlds, light, mark-making, scale plus plus. Using a variety of mediums  inherently changes the outcome of my work also.

At any given time there are several series going that I keep thinking will eventually end up being addressed in the mother of all paintings. These series are like chapters in a book that I will probably never finish writing.

Recent teaching has provided me with the opportunity to travel which effects the work in surprising ways. It is a matter of being visually open.

Sometimes I wish I could be one of those artists that does the same consistant work over time. A  shape shift here, a corner there, a  slight color change and yet the constant of their work is ever-present. I admire that tenacity and vision.  That structure would seem to relieve the anxiety of the “not knowing” that I sometime experience in the studio.

It is a momentary wish ! (I think these two pieces show that flip and flop!)

This is a time when I am happy to have had many years of “making” behind me to remind me that I need to continue on my own journey and “all will be well”.


Paul Bowen answers


Exhibitions & Interview / 2017